Maria Bidini

Maria Bidini at Via Cavour 85 in Arezzo at her solo exhibition in 2017.
Photo by Danielle Villicana D'Annibale
Maria Bidini was born in Arezzo in 1950. Her passion for sketching and painting began when she was a small child. She draws or paints any subject which kindle her emotions, with the intent to capture them and transfer them to others, with a preference for the human figure and portrait. For this reason, she is in continuous search to learn new techniques, deepening her knowledge both of classical and contemporary art.
She has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Italy and in foreign countries. She enjoys participating in painting competitions and she had achieved enormous recognition over the years. An award-winning artist, her sketch was chosen for the Golden Lance (Lancia d’Oro) for the Joust of Saracino in Arezzo in 2013. In 2014 she won the National Contest of Painting of Orosei, Nuoro. In 2015 she also won the IX Gran Premio in the City of Savona "La poesia degli interni (Internal poetry)" as well as the National Contest ANAP of Marina of Ginosa, Taranto.
Her works, present in both national and international publications, belong to private and public collections. One of her works, of religious nature, may be found in the church of Saint Maria Assunta in Puglia, Arezzo. She is a member of the Cenacolo degli Artisti Aretini.
Bidini lives and works in Arezzo where she paints portraits on commission.